Friday 29 November 2013

Planning Production - Rough Layout of DPS

This is my rough layout of my double page spread. It includes the article headline, standfirst, drop quote and picture caption. It also shows the structure and where everything will be placed.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Planning Production

Front cover images – Solo male artist – casual clothing – outside at night in front of graffitied wall – mid shot/medium close-up – blowing smoke from cigar, scowling, eyes focussed on camera

Coverlines – main coverline: Kurt Morrison, sub-line: It’s a newcomer take over.

Other cover lines:

·         JC & the 2 steps – ‘we are Hip-Rock’

·         John Paul-Jones – ‘we owe it to the blues’

·         Exclusive from Alt-J

·         War of Words- Noel’s new attack

Contents page –

Regular content

·         The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – reviews of the most recent gigs, albums and singles  - p14

·         At home with Homme – Josh Homme’s weekly report on this week’s music  - p18

·         Best of the week! – Images, gigs, albums, singles, lyrics, (most random) instruments – p30-34

·         Fan letter page – p50

·         Gig guide/tour dates – p56

·         Competitions – p57&58

·         Posters - various

Feature articles

·         The best festival performances of the year – p2-3

·         One For The Road - Arctic Monkeys on touring the world – p4&5

·         2nd home – Artists tell their favourite venue’s to play -  p8

·         Joey Morton on We WERE Beautiful – 11&12

·         Alt-J – ‘we will make another album after we have finished on films’ - p13

·         ‘Serging’ ahead – why Sergio Pizzorno believes Kasabian are the best band in the world – p16

·         When Florence met the Machine – Florence Welsh met Rage Against The Machine – p19-20

·         Interview with Kurt Morrison – p21-23

·         The roots of alternative rock – p25

·         The Roots – bringing rock into rap – p26

·         Black Sabbath – are they getting back together for good? – p27

·         Kings of Leon – are the Kings back on their throne? – p28

·         Reminiscing on Hendrix at Woodstock ’69 – p35

·         Rumours – which old star will be hitting the stage this year? – p36

·         From best to worst: Led Zeppelin’s albums – p37-38

·         Where did Led Zeppelin really get their music from? – p39-40

·         Creating their own channel - JC and the two steps on playing in France – p42

·         History of... – a look at the history of Red Hot Chili Peppers – p45

·         From beginning to end: the life, career and death of Sid Vicious – p46

·         Noel Gallagher sits down with us to talk future, friends, feud and football – p47-48

·         New band on the block – Don’t Mess with the Phunk – p53&54

Images for contents page

-          Long shot of Kurt Morrison in reminiscent pose

-          Medium close-up of Joey Morton sitting with guitar next to him

-          Picture of a jumble of CD’s for review

-          Picture of the front cover next to ‘Contents’

-          Possibly a picture of Don’t Mess with the Phunk in a long shot

Double-page spread –

My article will be based on the split of We Were Beautiful in July with guitarist, Joey Morton. It will be in full article format, firstly introducing the band and then going on to the reasons of the split, and finally, the future of Joey as an artist.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Article research

I looked at this article in NME magazine to get ideas of questions for my chosen artist.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Article Research - Interview Questions

Questions for Joey

Can you tell me the reasons WWB broke up?

How did you all agree to the split? (I.e. did you speak about it together...?)

How did you feel at the time?

Was the band doing well at the time of the split?

Looking at it now, was it the right thing to do or do you regret it?

Do you still keep in contact with the band?

Do you see any future with the band?

What were the highlight moments when you were in the band?

Have you ever been in any previous bands?

(If yes) how come they broke up?

Do you think there is any reason why the bands you’ve been in haven’t seemed to stay together?

Do you play solo at the moment?

Are you looking for a new band?

What would you say is better out of being in a band or being a solo artist? Why?

What does the future hold, musically, for you?

Friday 22 November 2013

Publication Plan

Publication Plan

Title:  RPM

Positioning statement: Sending you to a new world.

Target audience: 16-30

Frequency of publication: Weekly

Price: £2.10

Distribution: Newsagents; supermarkets; shops – big brands – HMV, WH Smiths; small record shops; direct from publisher’s website (monthly/annual orders available too); music venue’s

Rationale: The magazine is a typical music magazine but focuses more on alternative rock as well as delving into what is considered as more general Rock. It will offer reviews from critics and fans alike, recommendations for gigs, CD’s, musician’s autobiographies  and music DVD’s and have interviews and articles with up-and-coming artists as well as those already famous and successful.

Style: Informal style but with occasional complex vocabulary in articles where the scene has to be set, however nothing that the readers won’t be able to understand. It shall offer some comedy elements that people of my target audience will be familiar with. It will use mostly simple syntax but will have solid structure and layout, with columns and paragraphs used.

Images will be dominant feature of layouts.

Puff featured in corner of front cover.

Regular content

·         Gig guide/tour dates

·         The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – reviews of the most recent gigs, albums and singles

·         Competitions

·         Fan letter page

·         Posters

·         Q&A with artist

·         Best of the week! – Images, gigs, albums, singles, lyrics, (most random) instruments

·         At home with Homme – Josh Homme’s weekly report on this week’s music

Feature articles

·         One For The Road - Arctic Monkeys and their thoughts on touring the UK and the rest of the world – this band turned out to be the most favourable so their inclusion would be a good idea.

·         2nd home – Artists tell their favourite venue’s to play

·         Creating their own channel - JC and the two steps on playing in France

·         Interview with (band on front cover)

·         History of... – a look at the history of Red Hot Chili Peppers

·         From beginning to end: the life, career and death of Sid Vicious

·         When Florence met the Machine – Florence Welsh meets Rage Against The Machine

·         From best to worst: Led Zeppelin’s albums

·         Where did Led Zeppelin really get their music from?

·         The roots of alternative rock

·         The Roots – bringing rock into rap

·         The best festival performances of the year

·         Reminiscing on Hendrix at Woodstock ‘69

·         New band on the block – Don’t Mess with the Phunk

·         Rumours – which old star will be hitting the stage this year?

·         Alt-J – ‘we will make another album after we have finished on films’

·         ‘Serging’ ahead – why Sergio Pizzorno believes Kasabian are the best band in the world

·         Black Sabbath – are they getting back together for good?

·         Noel Gallagher sits down with us to talk future, friends, feud and football

·         Kings of Leon – are the Kings back on their throne?

House Style

Coverlines: Batang

Headlines: Constania

Standfirst: Book Antigua 14pt

Captions: Book Antigua

Body text: Times New Roman 11pt – include 5 line drop capitals

Colour scheme: Red, Black, White

Thursday 21 November 2013

Sunday 10 November 2013

Audience research - Video interview

In this lesson I interviewed someone to add to my research.

Audience Research - Results and Conclusions

Using Slideboom, I uploaded my audience research presentation. It shows the results I got from my questionnaire and provides information and ideas that would be suitable for me to use in my magazine.

Saturday 9 November 2013



(Please tick the appropriate box when needed)

1.       What are the first 3 words that come into your head when thinking of the genre Alternative Rock?




2.       What gender are you?

Male                    Female                                              

3.       Which of these age ranges do you fall into?

20 or under                 21-39               40-59                  60 or above

4.       Do you prefer magazines that have a lot of pages (80+) or smaller ones?

A lot                        Smaller

5.       Do you prefer weekly or monthly magazines? (Please tick)

Weekly                     Monthly                                     

6.       How much do you usually spend on a magazine?

£1.99 and below                  £2.00-£3.99                   £4.00-£5.99                  £6.00 and above

7.       Who is your favourite band?

8.       What three colour(s) do you think are appropriate when relating to Alternative Rock?

9.       Do you prefer an article which is in a basic question and answer format or one that is a full article format?

10.    Looking at an Alternative Rock magazine, what would you expect to see in terms of imagery?

11.   Would you rather there were a free gift inside when buying a magazine?

12.   Do you like a lot of posters in a magazine or very few or none at all?

13.   What makes you want to buy a magazine?

14.   What is the first thing you notice when you see a magazine that you want to buy?

15.   Is there anything you don’t like about magazine front cover’s? (Layout’s, colours etc)

Thanks for your time.


Analysis of professional music magazine double page spread

In this lesson we analysed a professional double page spread.

Friday 8 November 2013

Analysis of professional music magazine contents page

In this lesson we analysed a professional contents page on Word, before print screening onto Paint and uploading as a JPEG image.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Analysing professional front covers

This lesson i analysed 2 professional front covers on prezi.

Analysis of professional music magazine front covers

In this lesson we took out analysis of a real magazine's front cover (in this case, Classic rock magazine) and put it into a video with ourselves recording over the top using Premiere.

Friday 1 November 2013

Initial plans for music magazine

In this lesson we drew up our initial plans for our magazine. Here are mine: Price: £2.10 Frequency of publication: weekly Average issue size: approx 80 pages Regular content: • Posters • Gig guide/tour dates • Gig reviews • Album reviews • Single reviews • Competitions • Fan letter page • Q&A with artist • Images of the week • Gig of the week • Album of the week • Single of the week • Lyrics of the week • Interviews • Random instrument of the week • History of music Feature articles: • Interview with Paul McCartney • Interview with JC and the two steps • Interview with (band on front cover) • From beginning to end: the life, career and death of Sid Vicious • When Florence met the Machine – Florence Welsh meets Rage Against The Machine • From best to worst: Led Zeppelin’s albums • Where did Led Zeppelin really get their music from? • The roots of rock • The Roots – bringing rock into rap • The best festival performances of the year • Reminiscing on Hendrix at Woodstock ‘69 • New band on the block • Are videos getting better or worse?

Research of market place

In this lesson we looked at other magazines of our magazines genre and researched various bits of information about it.