Sunday 24 November 2013

Article Research - Interview Questions

Questions for Joey

Can you tell me the reasons WWB broke up?

How did you all agree to the split? (I.e. did you speak about it together...?)

How did you feel at the time?

Was the band doing well at the time of the split?

Looking at it now, was it the right thing to do or do you regret it?

Do you still keep in contact with the band?

Do you see any future with the band?

What were the highlight moments when you were in the band?

Have you ever been in any previous bands?

(If yes) how come they broke up?

Do you think there is any reason why the bands you’ve been in haven’t seemed to stay together?

Do you play solo at the moment?

Are you looking for a new band?

What would you say is better out of being in a band or being a solo artist? Why?

What does the future hold, musically, for you?

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