Saturday 9 November 2013



(Please tick the appropriate box when needed)

1.       What are the first 3 words that come into your head when thinking of the genre Alternative Rock?




2.       What gender are you?

Male                    Female                                              

3.       Which of these age ranges do you fall into?

20 or under                 21-39               40-59                  60 or above

4.       Do you prefer magazines that have a lot of pages (80+) or smaller ones?

A lot                        Smaller

5.       Do you prefer weekly or monthly magazines? (Please tick)

Weekly                     Monthly                                     

6.       How much do you usually spend on a magazine?

£1.99 and below                  £2.00-£3.99                   £4.00-£5.99                  £6.00 and above

7.       Who is your favourite band?

8.       What three colour(s) do you think are appropriate when relating to Alternative Rock?

9.       Do you prefer an article which is in a basic question and answer format or one that is a full article format?

10.    Looking at an Alternative Rock magazine, what would you expect to see in terms of imagery?

11.   Would you rather there were a free gift inside when buying a magazine?

12.   Do you like a lot of posters in a magazine or very few or none at all?

13.   What makes you want to buy a magazine?

14.   What is the first thing you notice when you see a magazine that you want to buy?

15.   Is there anything you don’t like about magazine front cover’s? (Layout’s, colours etc)

Thanks for your time.


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